Project Description
> Won by himself
- 659e-343 e-37e National Barcelona
- 56e National Perpignan
- 10e Ace Pigeon Barcelona Over 3 years ZLU
- 14e Ace Pigeon Barcelona International Over 3 years (2007-2008-2009)
- 16e Ace Pigeon Barcelona International Over 2 years (2007-2008)
> Father of a.o.
- 102e-166e National Pau 77e-108e National Barcelona
- 166e National Marseille
- 18e National Dax
- 23e National St.Vincent Sector II
> Grandfather of a.o.
- National Top 10 ratings of the grandchildren of the “323”
- 1e Provincial Cahors N-H 6e National Cahors Sector II 6e National Agen ZLU
- 9e National Dax Sector II
- 9e National Narbonne ZLU 10e National Dax Sector II
> Other prizes from the grandchildren of the “323” are a.o.
- 77e-150e National Cahors Sector II
- 112e National St. Vincent Sector II 25e-82e-151e-288e-581e National Pau ZLU
- 39e National Cahors
- 56e-52e -121e-361e – 1003 e National Agen ZLU
- 116e-121e-170e National Bergerac Sector II
- 82e-163e-391e-392e-203e-473e National Narbonne ZLU
- 92e National Marseille ZLU